Buyers aren’t looking for “a” home, they’re looking for “the” home. It’s a small but important distinction, especially for sellerswho want to get the best possible price for their Vancouver property.

Put simply buyers want to fall in love with your home, and creating this emotional connection is key to selling your property for the highest price in the shortest time possible.
Why emotion is so important
When it comes to making decisions it’s our brains that make the most logical choices. Our brains crunch the numbers, weigh up the risks and more often than not opt for the sensible approach. That’s fine if you’re looking to buy a new car or a pair of shoes, but if you’re selling your home it’s absolutely the last thing you want buyers to feel.
Why? Well if a buyer is emotionally attached to your property, if they see it as a potential home that they could spend their life in rather than just a real state investment, then they are more likely to bid big in an effort to secure that feeling.
Why? Well if a buyer is emotionally attached to your property, if they see it as a potential home that they could spend their life in rather than just a real state investment, then they are more likely to bid big in an effort to secure that feeling.
This is where an experienced agent will pay for themselves, and then some. You need someone who is experienced with this approach and used to painting the picture that appeals to buyers’ emotions. So that their desire to buy and live in your home trumps whatever value they are putting on the numbers you are trying to achieve.
More emotions = more money
When buyers look at real estate analytically they see things in black and white. It’s an approach that’s more likely to make them to think logically, and as a result even if they do decide to make an offer on your home the chances are it won’t be the best possible result you could achieve.
If you compare that with someone who is emotionally attached to your home then it’s an entirely different story. If a potential buyer has fallen in love with your property then they are much more likely to justify upping their offer, making their decisions based on their desires not the cold hard numbers.

How to make buyers fall in love with your home
The key to creating an emotional connection between the buyer and your home is to paint a picture of what their lives could look like in it.
If potential buyers visualize themselves in your home - sitting in a cozy corner with their kids eating popcorn on a cold night - then they’re far more likely to bid high when it comes to offering than someone who merely thought your living room was a good size.
Things like staging, your initial asking price and the curb appeal of your property will all factor into this. But it is up to your realtor to play cupid, and create a situation where potential buyers will fall in love with your property.
They will do this by presenting it in the best possible light. Whether it’s through an open house, your initial listing, or in creating a truly memorable marketing package that will stick in buyers’ minds.
A good real estate agent will most likely tell you things that you don't necessarily hear from other agents that you are interviewing. They will give you examples of previous projects where they have helped their clients to achieve success. They will also be able to give examples and detailed ideas about your space, explaining to you how and why they will market it to achieve your goals.
So if you’re currently speaking to real estate agents abut selling your home ask them how they plan to make buyers fall in love with it first.